Club Handbook
The Club Handbook has been designed to provide clubs with an A to Z of everything that is required to continue to provide and develop a high quality service to young people. The Club Handbook includes everything from risk assessment and session planning to having the correct policies and procedures in place.
This guide is for:
People wanting to start a youth club
People wanting guidance on an existing youth club they run
People wanting more information on youth work and the running of a club
This handbook is a useful guide for anyone setting up or running a Boys & Girls Clubs of Wales (BGC Wales) youth or sports club. The handbook is split into 6 sections which are this introduction, an overview of youth work, safeguarding, management of the club, activity cards and an appendix containing editable policies, procedures and other useful templates such as risk assessments. The handbook will be regularly updated on to provide the most up to date and relevant information so keep returning to this. The handbook contains links to useful documents which are in bold and underlined.

In the appendix of this handbook contains documents that you can edit to suit your clubs needs. These are the documents the handbook has referred to throughout. We hope you find them useful to support the general running of your club. The handbook is available in Welsh and in English, please download the document below
This handbook has received support from Creative Rural Communities (CRC); the Vale of Glamorgan Council’s Rural Regeneration Initiative and the Rural Development Plan for Wales 2014-2020 which is funded by the Welsh Government and the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development known as LEADER. BGC Wales would like to thank the youth workers, trustees, club leaders and young people who’s invaluable advice was used for the creation of this handbook.